Family Resources
At Clarksville Charter School, our goal is to support our families in achieving their academic and career goals. The following supports are in place to help families who are in need.
Foster & Homeless Youth
Clarksville Charter School provides resources and assistance for our teachers, homeless students, and foster youth in compliance within the McKinney Vento Homeless Assistance Act, which ensures the right of students to go to school even when they are homeless or don’t have a permanent address. The Act aims to reduce barriers that have prevented many homeless youth from enrolling, attending, and succeeding in school.
The Title 1 Specialist works in collaboration with school staff and community service agencies in an effort to maximize access to various educational, social and enrichment programs which promote academic success, student achievement and social-emotional health and wellness.
Some of our objectives are to:
- Remove barriers to academic success for McKinney Vento-eligible students by connecting families to needed school supplies.
- Educate students and parents on their educational rights.
- Promote parent and student participation in school-related activities.
- Develop a resource list to provide families and youth who may not be familiar with community resources.
- Provide services for and link families to services which support academic success.
- Foster social and emotional well-being for students and families challenged by homelessness or low-income barriers.
Foster Care Sex Abuse -
Resources are listed below by county. This is not an exhaustive list, and we are only providing information about these resources. The school does not determine eligibility. Families may or may not qualify.
Click here to learn more about enrolling in school. Click here for Spanish version. Click here for Russian version.
Title I
Title I is one of the federal funding streams that supplements how much money each state allocates for schools. There are other “Title” funds too, I-VII, all aiming to aid students who have burdens that may get in the way of accessing an equitable education. These burdens include poverty, homelessness, living in state-run institutions, living in isolated rural districts, and those still learning the English language. (There is a separate funding stream for students with disabilities.)
According to the U.S. Department of Education, Title I was created “to ensure economically disadvantaged children receive a fair, equitable, and high-quality education, by helping to close academic achievement gaps.”
For more information, please contact our Title 1 Specialist:
Megan Motta
Direct Line: 805.603.4375
Check out the Sequoia Breeze Podcast
A podcast for homeschool families brought to you by Sequoia Grove Charter Alliance. Encouragement, tips & tricks, interviews with HSTs and curriculum help.
Resources by County
Colusa County
County of Colusa
CalWORKs Housing Support Program
The CalWORKs Housing Support Program (HSP) was established by SB 855 (Chapter 29, Statutes of 2014) to assist homeless CalWORKs families in quickly obtaining permanent housing and to provide wrap-around supports to families.
HSP offers financial assistance and several wrap-around supportive services, including, but not limited to: rental assistance, security deposits, utility payments, moving costs, hotel and motel vouchers, landlord recruitment, case management, housing outreach and placement, legal services, and credit repair.
CalWORKs recipients who are experiencing homelessness. For HSP, CDSS defines homeless as:
Lacking a fixed or regular nighttime residence; and either
Having a primary nighttime residence that is a supervised publicly or privately operated shelter designed to provide temporary living accommodations; or residing in a public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as, a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings; or In receipt of judgment for eviction, as ordered by the court.
COVID-19 Resources
The Family Action Centers of Colusa County's mission is to provide a safe and comfortable setting to network, share and acquire skills, and access services to create a better childhood for our youngest citizens.
Williams Family Action Center
602 Twelfth Street/P O Box 336
Williams, CA 95987
We are a proud member of the AmeriCorps National Service Network
Foster Youth
Independent Living Program (ILP)
After 18 Program
Coveredtil26 Outreach Campaign Targets Foster Children
John Burton Foster Youth Advocates
John Burton Advocates for Youth improves the quality of life for youth in California who have been in foster care or homeless by advocating for better laws, training communities to strengthen local practices and conducting research to inform policy solutions.
We help foster youth across the state achieve their higher education goals and move on to fulfilling careers by engaging institutions to work together, sharing best practices, and advocating for policies that support foster youth in higher education.
We aim to reduce homelessness among current and former foster youth in California by constantly working to improve access to safe, affordable and supportive housing through the development of policy and technical assistance.
We work through advocacy, collaboration and training to ensure that all foster youth in care have access to the necessary physical and mental health services that are vital to their well-being and success.
Butte County
Butte County Homeless Continuum of Care
The Butte Countywide Homeless Continuum of Care (CoC) is a multi-agency planning body with the common goal of ending homelessness. This goal will be accomplished by assisting individuals and families experiencing homelessness to receive rapid, adaptive, quality services which lead to the long-term stability of permanent housing and self-sufficiency.
Welcome to our Butte County, CA Homeless Shelters and Services for the needy page. This page contains all of the homeless shelters and services for the needy that provide help to those in need for Butte County, CA.
Homeless Shelter Directory is not associated with any government agency.
This website is updated and maintained by users like you who help improve the quality of online resources for the homeless and needy.
Community Action Agency of Butte County
At Butte County CAA we provide hope to people struggling with poverty to become more self-sustaining by meeting tangible needs in the areas of energy savings, affordable food, and housing.
Core Programs:
Energy and Environmental Services
Food and Nutrition
Transitional Housing (Esplanade House)
Affordable Housing
Community Development
COVID-19 Resources
Community Action Agency of Butte County
At Butte County CAA we provide hope to people struggling with poverty to become more self-sustaining by meeting tangible needs in the areas of energy savings, affordable food, and housing.
Every month the North State Food Bank serves an average of 45,000 hungry residents in the six-county region. We partner with great volunteers and food providers to make this happen.
Foster Youth
Butte County Office of Education
All youth should have the opportunity for educational success, no matter what their housing or family situation may be. The School Ties program promotes this success through advocacy, mentoring, tutoring, and assistance with the transition to independent living.
Services Provided:
- Educational Case Management
- Assistance with Records
- Transfer
- Tutoring
- Enrollment Assistance
- Special Education Advocacy
- Mentoring
- Transportation Arrangement
- School Supplies
- Resource Referrals
John Burton Foster Youth Advocates
John Burton Advocates for Youth improves the quality of life for youth in California who have been in foster care or homeless by advocating for better laws, training communities to strengthen local practices and conducting research to inform policy solutions.
We help foster youth across the state achieve their higher education goals and move on to fulfilling careers by engaging institutions to work together, sharing best practices, and advocating for policies that support foster youth in higher education.
We aim to reduce homelessness among current and former foster youth in California by constantly working to improve access to safe, affordable and supportive housing through the development of policy and technical assistance.
We work through advocacy, collaboration and training to ensure that all foster youth in care have access to the necessary physical and mental health services that are vital to their well-being and success.
Glenn County
Emergency Services Food Bank and Housing Assistance
Community Action Partnership of Colusa, Glenn, and Trinity Counties
To be eligible for Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing services, applicants must be homeless or at-risk of being homeless. Applicants can be individuals and/or families. Clients are to be served on a first come first serve basis when eligible for the program.
Willows HRA -420 E. Laurel Street, Willows, CA 95988- Monday & Thursday 2pm to 4pm
Orland HRA -604 E. Walker Street, Suite A, Orland, CA 95963- Tuesday & Friday 2pm to 4pm
Contact: 530-865-6129 or 1-800-287-8711 ext. 6129 for questions
Community Action Agency of Butte County, Inc. (serving Glenn County)
The CAA’s North State Food Bank collects and distributes food throughout the service region encompassing Butte, Glenn, Colusa, Plumas, Sierra and Tehama counties. With the help of our extensive network of partners, the North State Food Bank offers multiple programs to help low income families get the food and nutrition they need each month. Below is an outline of the programs that we run with our incredible team of staff and volunteers.
Community Action Agency of Butte County, Inc.
181 E. Shasta Avenue, Chico, CA 95973
Phone: (530) 712-2600 Fax: (530) 895-1848
COVID-19 Resources
Foster Youth
Robin Smith
Glenn County Office of Education
311 S. Villa Street
Willows, CA 95988
530-934-6575 ext. 3176, Fax 530-934-6576
John Burton Foster Youth Advocates
John Burton Advocates for Youth improves the quality of life for youth in California who have been in foster care or homeless by advocating for better laws, training communities to strengthen local practices and conducting research to inform policy solutions.
We help foster youth across the state achieve their higher education goals and move on to fulfilling careers by engaging institutions to work together, sharing best practices, and advocating for policies that support foster youth in higher education.
We aim to reduce homelessness among current and former foster youth in California by constantly working to improve access to safe, affordable and supportive housing through the development of policy and technical assistance.
We work through advocacy, collaboration and training to ensure that all foster youth in care have access to the necessary physical and mental health services that are vital to their well-being and success.
Lake County
Lake County Housing Resources (PDF)
Information regarding shelters and temporary housing for at risk of, or homeless individuals.
Lake County Coalition for the Homeless
Eliminating homelessness in Lake County through the provision of leadership in the areas of assessment, advocacy, and community education
Food Pantries United Way of Lake County Helps Support
Please note that the food pantries are NOT open 7 days a week and all have different days and hours of operation. Given this, please call those you may be interested in receiving assistance from to find out their hours of operation and any policies and procedures they may have in place.
COVID-19 Resources
Foster Youth
Lake County Office of Education
Lake County Office of Education Foster Youth Services strives to address the unique educational needs of foster youth by working collaboratively with youth, caregivers, schools, placing agencies, and other service providers. We are dedicated to improving the academic success of all foster youth by addressing their individual needs.
John Burton Foster Youth Advocates
John Burton Advocates for Youth improves the quality of life for youth in California who have been in foster care or homeless by advocating for better laws, training communities to strengthen local practices and conducting research to inform policy solutions.
We help foster youth across the state achieve their higher education goals and move on to fulfilling careers by engaging institutions to work together, sharing best practices, and advocating for policies that support foster youth in higher education.
We aim to reduce homelessness among current and former foster youth in California by constantly working to improve access to safe, affordable and supportive housing through the development of policy and technical assistance.
We work through advocacy, collaboration and training to ensure that all foster youth in care have access to the necessary physical and mental health services that are vital to their well-being and success.
Mendocino County
Redwood Community Resources, Inc.
Redwood Community Services, Inc. has been providing homeless services since 1999, when it piloted a transitional housing program for transition age youth. Since then RCS has expanded homeless services to provide housing navigation services, emergency shelter, day resource center, and permanent housing resources. RCS provides support to those facing and living in a housing crisis with a compassionate, person-centered, Housing First approach.
This means focusing first and foremost on housing needs and providing support to people who are navigating barriers to housing. RCS is an active member of the Mendocino County Homeless Services Continuum of Care (MCHSCoC), working with community partners to ensure services are coordinated and effective.
1045 S. State St.
Ukiah, CA 95482
(707) 234-3270
Mendocino County - Housing Resources (PDF)
Homeless Resources
COVID-19 Resources
Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources
Mendocino County Public Health is working closely with local health care providers, California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) to closely monitor the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). This is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation and Mendocino County Public Health will provide updated information as it becomes available. For the most up to date information, visit
Advocacy & Collaboration Team Pandemic Resources (flier)
The page includes web links to resources and information specific to COVID-19 and homelessness the Mendocino County Homeless Services Continuum of Care is aware of. For more information, please contact MCHSCoC Board Secretary Veronica Wilson via email at or by calling (707)468-7071.
Foster Youth
Mendocino County Office of Education
The Foster Youth Services Coordinating Program (FYSCP) is designed to assist and enhance district programs to improve the educational outcomes for students in foster care is located at the Mendocino County Office of Education, and funded by the California Department of Education.
Call 211 for Mendocino County referrals
(707) 463-HELP (4357)
(800) 575-4357
(707) 459-4357
National Runaway Switchboard, 800-runaway or 800 786-2929
California Missing Children’s Hotline, 800 222-3463
Project Sanctuary/ Domestic Violence, 800 575-4357
John Burton Foster Youth Advocates
John Burton Advocates for Youth improves the quality of life for youth in California who have been in foster care or homeless by advocating for better laws, training communities to strengthen local practices and conducting research to inform policy solutions.
We help foster youth across the state achieve their higher education goals and move on to fulfilling careers by engaging institutions to work together, sharing best practices, and advocating for policies that support foster youth in higher education.
We aim to reduce homelessness among current and former foster youth in California by constantly working to improve access to safe, affordable and supportive housing through the development of policy and technical assistance.
We work through advocacy, collaboration and training to ensure that all foster youth in care have access to the necessary physical and mental health services that are vital to their well-being and success.
Tehama County
We're dedicated to doing our part to make Tehama County a safe and healthy community. We're proud to partner with other local organizations who share this vision. These collaborations allow Empower Tehama to provide additional services, to collaborate on community planning or to help connect people to the services they need.
24-Hour Crisis Hotline: 530-528-0226
Promoting healthy relationships and social change in our community.
COVID-19 Resources
Foster Youth
Tehama County Department of Education
Foster/Homeless Coordinating Program provides technical assistance to Tehama County School Districts to support school stability, and college and career readiness for foster and homeless students in our county. We work closely with community agencies including the Tehama County Department of Social Services, Probation, CASA, Shasta College, Independent Living Program, Children First Foster Family Agency, Tehama County Mental Health, PATH, and Tehama County Public Health.
Foster Homeless Coordinating Program can offer training in the areas of:
Trauma Informed Practices for Schools
Educational Rights of Foster and Homeless Youth
John Burton Foster Youth Advocates
John Burton Advocates for Youth improves the quality of life for youth in California who have been in foster care or homeless by advocating for better laws, training communities to strengthen local practices and conducting research to inform policy solutions.
We help foster youth across the state achieve their higher education goals and move on to fulfilling careers by engaging institutions to work together, sharing best practices, and advocating for policies that support foster youth in higher education.
We aim to reduce homelessness among current and former foster youth in California by constantly working to improve access to safe, affordable and supportive housing through the development of policy and technical assistance.
We work through advocacy, collaboration and training to ensure that all foster youth in care have access to the necessary physical and mental health services that are vital to their well-being and success.