Homeschooling is hard. Homeschooling is amazing. We have this wonderful, crazy opportunity to be intricately involved in our children’s education. We get to be present for the lightbulb moments when they finally understand something. We are privileged to choose what and how various subjects are presented to our kids…except there are so many options and opportunities. It can be dizzying.
As the Sequoia Breeze podcast host, I truly desire to help you breathe easier about your homeschool. I’m no stranger to the middle-of-the-night anxiety that whispers that you’re doing it all wrong. I’ve shed tears over the difficult days. But I also really enjoy my children. I know that what we are doing here is worthwhile. Usually, the greatest rewards come from the biggest struggles, wouldn’t you agree? I think that’s one of the reasons homeschooling is so rewarding–because it’s not easy.
Many of you are new to homeschooling. Or, you’ve been around long enough to be tired. I desire to encourage and uplift with the various topics and interviews that the Sequoia Breeze covers. If you listen to an episode and get excited about a new idea or feel the stress from a worry you’ve been carrying dissolve, then the podcast has done its job.
We throw around the term “lifelong learner” in homeschooling circles. We want our kids to never stop learning and being curious. Being a homeschooling parent means that to inspire kids to be lifelong learners, we, too, have to embody that trait. I think this is one of the things that I’ve really enjoyed about creating the Sequoia Breeze–I have learned so much! I am fascinated by all the amazing things I learn from the guests I interview.
Since season 4 wrapped last week, I thought I’d share one thing I learned from each episode.
- Tour the Lending Library - Every time I learn more about a department and staff within Sequoia Grove, I’m impressed. This was no exception. Our lending library is a huge and well-organized resource.
- Plan Your Year with Pam Barnhill - Take the time to plan…and then do it. Also, plans don’t have to be complicated.
- A Heart of High School - We are incredibly privileged to have high school staff who are willing to put in so much work to create a highly customizable program. So many opportunities!
- 1000 Hours Outside - This conversation wins for the most fun! I have been so inspired by Ginny to get my kids AND myself outside more. No weather wimps!
- Raising Siblings for Life - Our kids learn so much from each other; guiding them through these relationships is worth the effort.
- Equipping Families for the Unthinkable - Even young children can learn to Run and Hide. I can help them be prepared to survive even in the midst of a nightmare.
- HRMom - These two episodes are so inspiring. Helping kids be ready for life is no small job! Since recording these, I find myself asking my kids, “What could you have done differently?” or “How are you going to remember to do this?”
- See number 7.
- Supporting Gifted Learners - Dr. Alex’s story about hating science and having a teacher help her learn that subject through her love for history has inspired me to help my history-hating child learn that subject through her passion for animals.
- I Can: Clearing Away the Confusion - Sitting down with these teachers was an absolute delight. All three radiate The Homeschool Heart. We’re serving the child, not the standards.
How else can I help? What subjects would you like to hear more about? Do you have any questions for me or any past guests? The planning for the next season will start soon–your ideas are appreciated! You can send me a message here. I’d love to hear from you.
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