Lake View News
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Here at Lake View Charter School we believe in the power of sharing stories. Honoring our student’s individuality and unique gifts helps strengthen our sense of community. Enjoy more of these celebratory moments by watching Sequoia Grove News on our school’s YouTube Channel.
Do you have a student or story you’d like us to share? Complete the survey below to be featured in an upcoming episode or news article.
National Teen Driver Safety Week is upon us, and excitement is building as Sequoia Grove teens prepare to join the ranks of licensed drivers.
On Friday, September 27th, the Sequoia Grove STEAM Festival brought together more than 1,335 students, parents, and teachers at seven locations across Northern California for a day of creativity, collaboration, and discovery.
Three students compete in Battle of the Minds, highlighting their knowledge of the US Constitution.
Sophomore student ranks nationally in tennis!
Check out how these three homeschool students were able to compete in a local chess tournament-then land in the local paper!
Learn how two students combined ballet with travel as they explored Washington DC!
A group of Young Marines learn leadership skills and more in San Diego!
Find out how this 17-year-old CEO is making a HUGE impact in her community.
See how one student's hard work and love for art enabled him to create an original chalk masterpiece!
Marharyta and Viktoriia went to visit the Calaveras Big Trees State Park to see the giant Sequoias. Read more to see their surprise visitor!
A homeschool family shares how they've made school work for them, and how they've incorporated experiential learning.
Carson shares what he loves about a hidden gem-Montgomery Woods State National Reserve!
A proud Feather River student shines through her commitment to giving back to the community.
Student reaches a big milestone in his journey to reach 1,000 hours outside!
Student takes advantage of the Sea Cadets Program over the Summer, earning impressive new certifications!
First-time Dual Enrollment student finds impressive success, earning a certificate among other achievements!